Friday, 4 May 2012

In ♥ with colour doily

Yawww, mcm jatuh cinta pndg pertama...cantek, chomel, menawan and shinning my eyes. Ok since ramai yg dah talk about this kind of round-shape paper with lacey trimmed called doily paper ni. I nk share skit bout mine...

Yes, mmg kebanyakkan bride akan jmpe doily paper yang warna plain white je dkt pasaran Malaysia ni. Agak sukar jmpe yg ber’colour’, pattern n etc. Tp their sort of them from outside Malaysia (especially from China).

So daripada xde buat ape2 pas blik keje di malam hari, lets coloured or died them to your dream one. I also did mine too, and a lots of fun and excitement when u see the results tau..Hehehe..Haritu since my weddding are shades of pink green theme, i decide to colour them alike . Wink..Wink.. Mmg seronok dpt diy things for our wedding tapi kesabaran yang tinggi amatlah diperlukan bagi mendapatkan hasil yg terbaik. Ecehhh...betul what??? Practice make Perfect..

Tp to those yang dream for pastel colour wedding, mesti nmpak lg comey n meriah dgn aplikasi doily paper mcm ni...Kan? Love it

Pjg lak bebel kali ni lps lama biakan blog sori girls, I bought mine in plain white colour from Jalan Raja Bot a.k.a Chow Kit road...price quite ok la, tapi not to much different compare to other Bakery (since I sempat menjengah ke BWY and Yummie Bakery, Bangi). But for me, Yummie offer the best price from all. Just jauh skit tapi di Chow Kit sila tawar sehabis baik ye dear..

So let proceed on how to make the doily papers coloured???? Jeng..jeng...jeng..EASY, Just bancuh colouring food ikut warna kesukaan ( I pilih jenis gel sbb banyak, pekat and cantik) then celup..celup and celup...

I am using stainless steel penyepit semasa proses mencelup (No fingers use allowed tau dear). Then sediakan kain tebal or towel etc utk proses pengeringan..

Proses yg paling memkn masa sbab kene make sure paper completely kering. Wet paper nipis cmni amat mudah terkoyak jd kesabaran yg tinggi amat diperlukan disitu.K ? N lastly here we go…

Semoga Berjaya

Pssstt : Maaf gmbar dr hp kurang memuaskan..Dear sesape yg berminat dgn doily paper pink n green ni. I still got mine tp xbyk la. Do email me if interested.k

1 comment:

Bie said...

hye diana. tuto yang best.. nanti bie nak try juga la.. hehe..

salam perkenalan :)

BIE Daripada B2B Blog : Jalinan Cinta

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