Nukilan pertama dari Wedding closet by Diana Safri...cewah. Well, mmg sudah lama terniat dihati untuk berblog since b4 getting married lg. Tapi oleh kerana batasan waktu (*ordinary excuse) dan sifat kemalu-maluan yang sgt mnebal dlm diriku, asyik2 tertgguh2 je. 24/7 dok menatap blog B2B lain je. Kdg dh cm addicted, even dh lpas kawin ni pon kwn perli "Hei, survey brg kawin lg ke?"..hello, i mmg suke tgk psiapan org2 kawen tau, xkirela sape yg nk kawen pon...kan? Ladies ok. Rasa happy tgk bnda cntik tambah2 dgn airtgn bride sndri cam:
Walaupon xmampu menjadi sekreatip mereka, tp they most inspires me to diy things. Tak bleh lupa 1st blog that i read from anillutaze..........alahai, celotehnya happening ok. Seangkatan dengan bridalsupernova dan ashannweddinggallery. Now both Anil and Sarah dah jadi wedding decorator yg berjaya. Walaupun dh jd mantan, tp i trust most Malaysian B2B blogger recognise and inspire from their writing, aite?
Opss...enough talk about other blog. What's up about me? Hahaha, sy adalah pgantin basi yg dh sebulan pon diijabkabulkan dgn suami tercayang. Bride to be non ada lg, hanya Bride JUSTBE ok? Gasakla ko Diana, yg penting i love to sharing n caring my Weds life, preps and stuff with readers (Ada ke followers ko?) LOL, plus rent out my brg kawen yg x lg terusik to those needed. *wink*.
Gobok Kawen Diana Safri REVEALED..
till the next update ya =)
truely madly deeply,

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